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Register As A New Patient

Register online using the NHS website

Registration will be faster and easier if you have your personal information ready.
You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number to register online with a GP.

Check you are within the practice's catchment area:

Each GP surgery has a defined area within which they will accept new patients.
To be eligible to receive all our services, your address must be inside the area marked on the map.

Other ways to register

To find out more:

    • Check the GP surgery website
    • Phone the GP surgery reception on 0151 727 5555
    • Visit the GP surgery to collect a form

Paper forms are still available if you need one.

Alternatively you can request one in the surgery.

Registering with a GP surgery outside your local area

You can register permanently with some GP surgeries outside your local area.

This can be helpful if you:

    • want to use a GP surgery near your work instead of your home
    • prefer the services of a GP surgery that's further away

You can also get emergency treatment from a GP surgery for up to 14 days if you're away from home, for example when you're on holiday.

If your treatment will last longer than 14 days then you need to register with a GP surgery as a temporary resident.

How it works

You can use the Find a GP service to look for GPs in the area you want to register.

When you've chosen a GP surgery, you can use the Find a GP service to see if they're accepting registrations from people outside of their area.

You will then need to fill in a registration form. This should be done online. However, if you cannot access the form online, you can print a copy of the form here:

Find out more about how to register with a GP surgery